Thursday, August 11, 2011

I've posted this pic on my blog before, but today I want to connect this picture to an Einstein qoute:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 
-Albert Einstein


  1. Joe, I have been meaning to find this picture/poster for my classroom, since seeing it at your RSCON3 presentation. It's a perfect results-only learning theme.

    Thanks for underscoring that message here.

  2. That's a powerful (and succinct) cartoon.

  3. This is awesome Joe! Thanks for sharing and for all you do!

  4. Love it. Putting it up in my classroom! Thanks.

  5. Shouldn't it specify what they are being selected for? If the task is to pick apples, then climbing a tree is a pretty good selection criterion.

  6. See the Quote Investigator Apparently there is no evidence that Einstein ever said this quote...

  7. By the way, do you know where you got the cartoon? It looks like it was made pre-1940 which would tend to support the Einstein source, but also support the Quote Investigator's source....
