Saturday, April 13, 2013

Parenting Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood in the 21st Century

A public dialogue with award winning author and international speaker Carl Honoré.

When: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Where: Centennial Center for Interdisciplinary Science, (CCIS), North Campus, University of Alberta, 11455 Saskatchewan Drive (East of 116 Street, Edmonton, Alberta.

6:00 pm: Registration and Reception
7:00 pm: Public Lecture and Discussion
8:30 pm: Book Signing

Tickets and Details

“It is not just kids who are under pressure now; it’s parents too. We feel we have to push, polish and protect our offspring with superhuman zeal - or else we’re somehow falling down on the job. We start from the noble and natural instinct to do the best for our kids but end up going too far. Social and cultural pressure drives a lot of this.”

Carl HonorĂ© is an award-winning journalist, author and internationally recognized TED speaker. His speech In Praise of Slowness at the prestigious TED conference has been viewed more than 750,000 times. Carl HonorĂ©’s talks are dynamic, challenging, eloquent, informative and full of humour. The Wall Street Journal hailed Carl as “an in-demand spokesman on slowness.” ABC TV News called him “the unofficial godfather of a growing cultural shift toward slowing down. More at

After working with street children in Brazil, Carl covered Europe and South America for publications ranging from the Economist and Observer to the Miami Herald, Time and National Post (Canada).

1 comment:

  1. The parenting video clip will help parents who engage in cps collaborative problem solving take on the slow fix mindset
