Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chinooks Edge Professional Development

I had a great day in Olds, Alberta where I gave two presentations at the Chinooks Edge Professional Development Day. For those who were in attendance, here is a follow up post featuring links that I promised that would supplement the discussions we had. Feel free to e-mail me if I neglect to provide a link on a topic you would like more information on.

Making Writing Fun:

Spelling Implications
Writing, Professional Development and Social Networking
How Twitter can connect you with others
Here's why Rubrics are not the savior for writing assessment. Video
Here's how games such as Rock Band can be used in the classroom
Here's how you can turn any game into a strategy guide project.
Here's why teaching writing as an exercise in following the rules can be dangerous
Here's how an alternative to traditional language arts exams.
Here's how I use movies to inspire writing projects. (Coming soon)

Questioning Questions:

Questioning Questions
Questions or Answers
Standardized Testing is Dumbing Down our Schools
Multiple Choice Tests Suck
Grading Effort: Unintended Consequences
Constance Kamii on constructivism
The behaviourism infection
Harmful Effects of Algorithms
Autonomy as the aim of education
What's wrong with this picture?
Covering Curriculum
Negotiated Curriculum

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