Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Assessment is not a spreadsheet - it's a conversation

Are you tired of students asking you: "What's this question out of?" or "Is this for marks?" Ever been frustrated with students who see every learning experience you provide for them as just another chore? Have you experienced disappointment with students who continually avoid challenges and choose the lazy way out of learning? Have you felt discouraged with grade grabbing students who are unhappy even when they get 99%? If you can relate to any of these questions, this session is for you!

Joe Bower is a middle school teacher in Red Deer, and his session will focus on what teachers can do to improve their assessment for learning practices and how traditional methods of grading need to be replaced with task-involved feedback, so teachers can improve their students' learning, rather than just reporting it. Through a balance of educational research and personal experiences, this session will show how grading is at best unhelpful and at worst extremely harmful towards students' learning. Practical assessment techniques that authentically replace grades will be explored and shared (including student samples).

For more on the issue of abolishing and replacing grades, check out this page.

For more information about booking Joe Bower for a lecture or workshop, please contact by e-mail:

Return to Joe's list of presentations

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