Thursday, February 25, 2010

Guest Blogging

I have become a big fan of social networking. In fact, Twitter has become my number one source of information.

Did you hear what I said?

My number one source of information!

Unreal. I know.

I am amazed by the implications of all this. The amount of sharing that occurs on Twitter is simply unbelievable. And here is an example of how Twitter can be so damn cool:

I have met some very interesting people on Twitter including:

  • @educatoral has retweeted me more than almost anyone else I know.
  • @kmcg2375 is from Australia and we have engaged in some rather interesting dialogue about how stupid grading is.
  • @ktenkely hates grades too. We talked.
  • @tomwhitby blogs. I commented on his blog.
  • @josieholford has suggested a number of anti-grading book titles for me to call the book I have yet to write, but should write sometime soon.
  • @tkraz is quite perplexed by my views on not grading effort.
  • @monk51295 loves to hear about how we should subvert grading
  • @republicofmath seems to agree that grades are the spawn of the devil
  • @akamrt I owe him a bottle of Crown as of today, but by the end of the Olympics, he will owe me :)
  • @hshawjr doesn't like grading, but I am still trying to find out whether he really grades as little as possible.
  • @aaron_eyler we guest blogged
These are all very cool interactions that I've had in the last 24 hours, but it is the last point that I want to discuss.

Aaron Eyler and I decided to guest blog with each other. I sent him a direct message on Twitter asking if he would like to blog on my blog while I blogged on his blog.

Here's my idea: I want to encourage even more sharing. Aaron has a following with his blog. I have a following with my blog. If I write on his blog, and he writes on mine, there is a chance that we could end up sharing our readership. The idea being that we would share more.

So now I am looking for other bloggers who want to share more. I want to create a network of bloggers who occassionaly guest blog for each other in an attempt to share and link more bloggers and readers to more bloggers and readers.

Sound intersting? Want to guest blog with me or Aaron? tweet me joe_bower or aaron_eyler


  1. Nice idea! I've been approached by email by some pretty pushy strangers who want to be guest authors on my blog. No way! But trading posts with a blogger I respect, that I would do.

    I don't tweet, though. You can check out my blog, Math Mama Writes, and if you think it'd be fun to trade, let's talk by email (suevanhattum on that hotmail system).

  2. I love Twitter as well for the same reasons. I have made some wonderful connections with other early childhood educators. I will have to connect up with you as well.

  3. I just found you on Twitter through a Retweet ( I have a blog called Read These books and Use Them, and it is geared toward teachers, parents, home schoolers, and librarians--showing them how to use books to reach kids and teach skills as well as just offering encouragement and ideas for educating children. I would love to guest blog and have you guest blog. You can email me or DM me on Twitter.


  4. I agree with you 100%. I am a relatively new blogger although I have had a website for 11 years.( I am interested in helping teachers and administrators work with English language learners. I have started a blog on ASCD EDge, a great place for teachers to exchange ideas with top educators and ASCD authors. See

  5. Hey Joe! So I'm helping spread your gospel more than anyone else? How cool :o)

    I just can't believe I found someone on Twitter who's actually doing what Alfie Kohn recommends. I am starting slowly but I'm still very curious as to how you're doing it.

    Twitter is awesome and it's a much better use of my time than World of Warcraft.


  6. Hey Joe,

    Just wanted to take a moment to introduce you to my newest project for guest blogger:

    It's a forum meant to connect guest bloggers to bloggers who are interested in guest posts.

    Feel free to join and enjoy even more networking!

    We have over 1K bloggers participating and will be happy to have you as well!
