Thursday, April 12, 2012

Redford's Broken Promise?

I voted for Alison Redford in the 2011 Progressive Conservative Leadership Race because of her promise to abolish the grade 3 and 6 Provincial Achievement Tests.

Redford's election promise was crystal clear. Her K-12 election platform called for:
An end to provincial achievement tests for Grades 3 and 6, as these are too stressful for students and do not impart the information we need to measure performance.
I've heard our Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk talk and write about standardized testing on the radio, in the newspaper and on Twitter (here and here). I was impressed when Lukaszuk took The Fraser Institute to task for their misuse of Provincial Achievement Test scores.

While I've heard Lukaszuk mention many times that Alberta Education is reviewing Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs), I did not vote for Redford because she promised to review them. I voted for Alison Redford because she promised to end them.

It's now 6 months later with a new election and grade 3 and 6 PATs are still here.

I held up my end of the bargain. Redford got my vote. I think it's only fair that she deliver on her promise.

And if she doesn't and this is indeed a broken promise, what good are Alison Redford's promises in this new election?

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    I completely agree with what Redford said. Those test are too stressful for them at that age. I'm sorry you haven't seen any progress yet. Hopefully, she is trying to abolish it and the tests will be gone before the new election. I, also, agree with you. She is full of broken promises going into this election. But, hey, that's politics.

    April C.
