Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interview with Mona Knudslien & Joe Bower

Here is a 12 minute interview featuring my past principal Mona Knudslien and me. Together, we discuss how a school can innovate and improve while focusing on progressive education.

I enjoyed reminiscing with Mona how both of us experienced our time together, and I will be forever thankful for her supportive, and nurturing leadership.

Thank you to Brian Mason and Tim Lee for putting this interview together!


  1. we had people arguing.... debating.... i couldn't have been happier..
    i love that statement Mona..

    bravo Joe.
    i loved listening to this video..

    free students.

  2. This is fantastic, Joe. I just sent the link to my superintendent and curriculum coordinator.

  3. Thank you for embracing and modeling change! We all need to be change agents!

  4. I really like the way you two get to the points in such a personable manner, especially the comments about real support and true collaboration being related to debate and disagreement and ultimately open discussion.
    Thanks for giving us a view of how administration and staff can really envigorate the educational process.
