They won't see grades, worksheets, homework, tests or even quizzes. Because these things are noticeably absent, it is my responsibility to be proactive and inform parents of what we are doing in class, and to suggest other more authentic indicators of their children's learning.
Here the newsletter I sent home in early November. It illustrates to parents some of what we've been doing and where we are going.
Great work Joe. I hope all your parents realize how lucky their kids are to have you as their teacher.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good idea. Next week we will be doing student lead conferences. This takes communication a step further by giving much of the ownership to the students. We are now preparing what will be shared. I would love to believe this happens frequently in the evenings at home. I know it does not.
ReplyDeleteHey Joe. Great newsletter. What are your requirements for reporting for report card? Do you end up having to give a letter or number based grade or is it more outcome based.
ReplyDeleteWow Joe. I wish I'd been in your class. Actually, even better, I wish my kids had been in your class. This is exceptional and clearly states your philosophy of teaching and learning.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this post and newsletter. Thank you for continuing to challenge my thinking and practice. Please continue to be transparent and available. it is truly better than any PD from our central office.