
Saturday, April 18, 2015

PC no-shows at public events all over Alberta

A pumpkin sits in place of no-show Jim Prentice
at a Calgary-Foothills debate.
There is an election in Alberta.

There is a lot of discontent for the 44 year old government run by the Progressive Conservatives.

Things are so uncomfortable for the Progressive Conservatives that they would rather avoid engaging the public at forums, events and debates.

During last year's by-election, Jim Prentice was a no-show for an all-candidates forum.

This year, Gordon Dirks was a no-show for an Alberta Teachers' Association all-party forum on education.

For the PCs, it's safer to not show up.

It's safer for them to not engage.

It's safer for them to not use social media.

The PCs are fuelling the status quo with silence. On May 5, election day, the PC Prentice Team is hoping that Albertans stay home.

In an effort to refuse fatalism, Albertans need to make public every time PC candidates are a no-show for public events.

On Social Media, Albertans can use #PCnoShow.

There is an education forum in Red Deer on Monday, April 20th. I have a feeling I will be Tweeting with #PCnoShow.

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