
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New VIDEO: Alberta's kids don't need a tar sands education

This post and video were created by Greenpeace and appeared on their website here. This is one of many reasons why Education Minister Jeff Johnson has failed Albertans.

by Greenpeace

Alberta public education authorities have invited tar sands giants Syncrude, Suncor, and Cenovus to help draft ‘Alberta’s future curriculum’ from kindergarten to grade 12. Particularly concerning is that the Alberta invited Syncrude and Suncor as ‘key partners’ in the redesign of the kindergarten to grade three curriculum.

There is no reason why any company should be involved in designing our kids' education - especially during some of their most formative years and definitely not some of the most polluting corporations in the country.

Luckily with your help we helped force Syncrude out of the process. Now we need you to help us do the same with the other two:

Tell Alberta Education to keep Big Oil out of our kids' classrooms now.

When Alberta’s Education Minister Jeff Johnson was asked about big oil’s involvement in the curriculum revamp here’s what he had to say:

“We want the economy involved in the education system,” Johnson said Tuesday. “If we’re going to build a relevant education system, we need the voice of the employer, the business community, economic development — we need those people at the table.”

Kids are five or six when they start kindergarten and K-3 are some of the biggest growth years in a child’s life. This is the time where children are developing their world view, not the time they need ‘the voice of the employer.’

What the minister needs to realize is that elementary, junior and senior high school education isn’t about economic development. School isn’t a big oil employment centre. Education is a place where we teach freedom of thought, where we help our children become critical thinkers and allow them the space to dream, create and explore free from the influence of corporations.

Whether you support the tar sands or not, hopefully we can all agree that big oil and other corporations have no place in our children’s classroom.

Tell Alberta Education to keep Big Oil out of our kids' classrooms now.

and/or tweet to Suncor (@suncorenergy) and Cenovus (@cenovus) directly.

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