
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Teaching with Technology: Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, Nings and Discussion Forums

Technology is a medium for content, and so technology should be integrated into all of our other curriculums; it is not suppose to be an entity all too itself. So how do we incorporate technology into our classrooms? And with the prevalence of texting, social networking and on-line chat forums, how can we best prepare children to use this technology in a moral and responsible manner?

This session will show you how any subject can use the Internet to further your students learning:

Twitter: is a kind of micro-blogging. Rather than using Twitter to share 'what you are doing', it is better used to share 'what has your interest' or 'what do you know that I should know'. If used in this way, Twitter can be a very effective way to share information.

Blogs: A blog is short for the word weblog and is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, news, opinions, facts and much much more. This tool is best used to create one-way conversations between users.

Wikis: A wiki is a website that uses wiki software, allowing multiple users to create and edit each other’s writing. This tool is best used to allow users to interact with each other’s writing and projects.

Ning: Take Facebook's social network power and make it private - a Ning allows a group of learners to network by utilizing the power of uploading photos, videos, blogs, discussion forums with ultimate privacy. A Ning could be described as an 'all-in-one' private social network.
Discussion Forums: An Internet Forum, or message board, is an online discussion site. It acts like a bulletin board and allows people to post and reply their comments. This tool is best used to create two-way conversations between users.

This session can be tailored to focus on any combination of the technologies listed above. It can range from a broad overview to a specific tutorial on how to use one specific social networking tool.

For more on Joe's take on social networking, check out these blog posts:

Teaching Social Networking: Finger Dipping
Twitter is Sold Wrong 

For more information about booking Joe Bower for a lecture or workshop, please contact by e-mail:

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