
Monday, October 7, 2013

Making the Case for Making in Schools

Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez wrote a marvelous book Invent to Learn. If you spend time with kids, you need to read this book.

Saying we want to personalize learning and putting students first are platitudes. They are easy to say because who in their right mind would disagree.

In the video below Sylvia summarizes the problem succinctly:
There is a disconnect between what we want to have happen, what we know works and what's really happening.
Grant Wiggins tells us that "when practice becomes disconnected from purpose, rigidity sets in" and Susan Engel writes, "What we admire and what we deliberately cultivate aren't the same."

If you are interested in making school more student focused and more hands-on and minds-on, take 30 minutes and watch this video.

Making the Case for Making in Schools from Maker Faire on

The maker movement and project based learning does not supplement testsandgrades -- the maker movement and project based learning replaces testsandgrades.

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