
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm featured in The Walrus Magazine

Illustration by Genevieve Simms
I am featured in November's issue of The Walrus Magazine. The article was written by Zander Sherman and it is titled Standard Issues: An Alberta teacher wants to liberate our schools from the educrats. 

I had the good fortune of meeting with Zander and am humbled that he chose me to be featured in this article. Zander is one hell-of-a-storyteller and I think he told my story very well. I'm particularly happy with how he was able to weave my mom into the conclusion of the article.

If you've read the article, I would love to hear your thoughts. Please consider leaving a comment. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Joe. I loved the article! You're right, Zander is a great storyteller and he did a great job of capturing your story.

    Congratulations! :)
