
Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Amazon book Review for Will Richardson's Why School?

Here's my Amazon book review for Will Richardson's Why School:

Too often we are pre-occupied with implementing school the way it was done to us; thus we fall into the trap of preparing students for our past -- robbing them of their future.

School simply has not changed very much since the turn of the century - and I'm not referring to 1999-2000. School for my grandfather who was born in 1916, my father who was born in 1953 and me who was born in 1978 was an eerily similar experience.

My greatest fear is that my daughter, who was born in 2008 and my son in 2012, will understand all too well the system that their father, grand-father and great-grandfather attended.

However, change for the sake of change is no better than tradition for the sake of tradition. For too long education reform has been led by non-educators.

If we want to provide our children with the schools they deserve we need education reformers to be informed by educators like Will Richardson and they can start by reading this book.

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